You’re thinking about getting a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, but you’re worried about how much this breed sheds.

You’re concerned that having too much dog fur around the house would cause an allergic reaction.

What is the average amount of hair shed by a Staffordshire Bull Terrier?

Do Staffordshire Terriers Shed?
Do Staffordshire Terriers Shed?

What Is American Staffordshire Terrier?

With its robust, muscular build, focused stare, and forceful attitude, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier can be an intimidating dog.

Many people are drawn to the Stafford because it appears to be a tough dog, but they are surprised to learn that the Stafford is a sensitive and loving companion who prefers to play rather than fight.

He views life as a wonderful adventure to be savored and experienced to the fullest.

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is popular among dog owners because of his small to medium stature, short, easy-care coat, and lively yet gentle attitude.

This terrier breed resembles other bull breeds such as American Staffordshire Terriers and American Pit Bull Terriers with his short, broad head and muscular physique, but he is a breed unto himself with particular physical qualities that mark him apart, such as size and ear shape.

The Stafford is recognized for his trustworthiness and love of people.

He’s been dubbed “everyone’s Man Friday,” and his greatest ambition is to spend time with his family, whether it’s watching football on the couch, running errands in the vehicle, going for walks, or engaging in activities like agility, flyball, obedience, and therapeutic work.

Expect to take this athletic and lively dog for a daily walk, as well as plenty of attention while he’s not working.

He doesn’t enjoy being left on his own.

Staffordshire Bull Terriers are not a breed that can be left alone outside or at home for extended periods of time.

The Stafford is known as the nanny dog because of his patience and love for children, though it goes without saying that no dog should ever be left alone with small children or be expected to serve as a babysitter.

He isn’t always nice toward canines he doesn’t know, which is a hangover from his days as a fighting dog, when he had to be aggressive toward other dogs while being gentle with human handlers.

Some localities have restrictions on the ownership of bull breeds.

Before buying a Stafford, make sure yours isn’t one of them.

The Stafford is one of the best dog partners around for someone who understands his sensitive nature and can provide patient, firm leadership.

American Staffordshire Terrier Facts: History

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier, the American Staffordshire Terrier, the American Pit Bull Terrier, and the Bull Terrier all have a common progenitor, the Bulldog.

It was developed in the early 1800s to be smaller and speedier in the ring while remaining soft and pleasant to people. It was most likely created by crossing a Bulldog with a Manchester Terrier progenitor.

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier we see today is a result of this cross.

In England, the first Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club was founded in 1835, and a breed standard was written soon after.

In the United States, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier was mostly used as a household pet, and the American Kennel Club did not recognize the breed until 1975.

Tinkinswood Imperial was the first Stafford registered with the AKC.

In 1974, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of America was established.

The Staffordshire bull terrier breed currently ranked 85th out of 157 breeds and varieties recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC).

American Stafford are wonderful dogs who truly embody the phrase “man’s best friend,” and many dog lovers are aware that they possess one of the best-kept secrets in the canine world.

Is the Staffordshire Bull Terrier a heavy or light shedder?

Staffordshire Bull Terriers lose a substantial amount of dead hair.

They do, however, shed profusely once a year, in the fall or spring.

If you have allergies, this dog isn’t the best choice for you. It is suggested for dog owners who do not wish to deal with dog fur.

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a Shedder of Moderate Intensity.

A Staffordshire Bull Terrier, as previously said, does not shed as much.

If it does, it will go unnoticed. Because of its short coat.

However, some owners experience excessive shedding twice a year, particularly in the spring and fall.

Shedding happens as a result of your dog’s seasonal adaptation.

The shedding of a Staffordshire Bull Terrier is minimal when compared to dogs with longer and thicker coats.

When comparing a Staffordshire Bull Terrier to a dog breed with a shorter coat, such as a Greyhound, the contrast is clear since the shedding is more noticeable.

This is why a Staffordshire Bull Terrier puppy is classified as a moderate shedder – not a heavy shedder, but certainly not a low shedder.

When an American Staff sheds more than usual, it could be a sign of something more serious, such as a poor diet, fleas, stress, or underlying health issues.

Regardless, determining whether it’s a problem or simply a part of the cycle will be challenging.

It’s important to consult a veterinarian for a thorough examination of your dog hair.

Is It Possible To Prevent A Staffordshire Bull Terrier From Shedding?

It’s impossible to stop your Staffordshire Bull Terrier from shedding, just as it’s impossible to stop an earthquake. You can, however, control the shedding.

How? Begin by feeding your Staffordshire Bull Terrier an Omega-3-rich diet.

Omega-3 benefits a dog’s skin and coat.

Hair follicles recuperate more quickly when they eat a balanced diet.

Extra shedding is caused by undernourished fur.

A robust follicle, on the other hand, promotes healthy fur.

Hair loss is caused by a dog’s dry skin. Always change and put clean water in your dog’s water bowl to avoid major shedding caused by dehydration.

To rehydrate your Staffordshire Bull Terrier’s skin, make sure your Staffordshire Bull Terrier drinks enough of water.

Every day, your american staffy should drink one ounce of water per pound of body weight.

A 10-pound dog, for example, requires more than a cup of water per day.

Some causes of shedding, such as fungal diseases and parasites, necessitate veterinary attention.

Other significant problems, such as hormonal issues that inflame the skin and cause brittle hair, might cause hair loss.

These are the types of hair loss that need to be diagnosed and treated by a veterinarian.

When Your Staffordshire Bull Terrier Is Shedding, Here’s How to Groom Him!

Grooming is the next step in controlling your Staffordshire Bull Terrier’s shedding.

The steps for maintaining a Staffordshire Bull Terrier’s coat while it is shedding are outlined below.

  • Brush the coat with a glove or a brush with natural bristles to loosen the dead hairs.
  • Brush the coat back and forth in the opposite direction of hair growth. Rep the procedure as necessary. This process eliminates dead hairs while also dispersing the natural oil throughout the coat.
  • When shedding becomes excessive, release the hair by stroking the coat in a circular motion and brushing in the direction of hair development.
  • Even though your Staffordshire Bull Terrier doesn’t shed much, grooming your dog on a regular basis is essential. Brushing a Staffordshire Bull Terrier weekly or everyday on its high shedding is very crucial because it is a minor shedder.

What Are the Advantages of Shedding Control for Your Dog?

Managing your Staffordshire Bull Terrier’s shedding allows you and your Staffordshire Bull Terrier to spend valuable time together, especially when you brush your dog’s coat.

When your bull terrier puppy are brushed or groomed, they like the physical contact that comes with it.

It also allows you to spot potential skin issues including dry skin, pimples, and parasites.

Early shedding control for your Staffordshire Bull Terrier will save you time and money in the long term.

Other Dog Breed That Are Prone to Shedding

  • Labrador Retriever
  • Shih Tzu
  • Chow Chow
  • German Shepherd

Related Dog Breed

  • American Bully
  • Yorkshire Terrier
  • American Pitbull Terrier
  • Fox Terrier
  • American Bulldog


Staffordshire Bull Terrier dog have a considerable amount of shedding.

It’s only natural on American Staffordshire Terrier dog because they need to keep old and damaged skin at bay.

You won’t be able to stop your english staffy from shedding of loose hair, but you can control it.

Grooming and brushing your american staffordshire terrier puppy not only helps you manage shedding, but it also helps you and your dog form a stronger bond.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How much does a Staffordshire terrier shed?

Staffordshire Bull Terriers lose a substantial amount of hair. They do, however, shed profusely once a year, in the fall or spring. If you have allergies, this dog isn’t the best choice for you. It is suggested for dog owners who do not wish to deal with dog fur.

How do I stop my Staffy from shedding?

As a Staffy owner, there are three things we recommend you do to deal with shedding. Feed your Staffy the best food you can afford, make sure he’s healthy and happy by taking him to the vet for regular checkups, and groom him properly and as often as needed.

Are Staffordshire Terriers good family dogs?

The American Staffordshire Terrier is a wonderful family companion since it is friendly, loyal, and gentle with youngsters.

Is a Staffordshire a pitbull?

Despite having been bred separately for more than 50 years, American Staffordshire Terriers and American Pit Bull Terriers have a lot in common. Breed Specific Legislation targets them since they are classified as a “Pit Bull” breed.

Are Staffies smelly dogs?

Staffies don’t have a particularly strong ‘doggy’ smell. Once a week, gently wash your dog’s ears with a vet-approved cleanser to eliminate dirt that might cause infections, and once a month, trim his nails to prevent painful cracking.

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