How Fast Do Pitbulls Grow? Pit Bulls are daring canines with a kind, sensitive side.
They are known for their tremendous power and athleticism.
Pit Bulls are a cross between bulldogs and terriers, having sturdy bodies, short coats, and strong bodies.
These canines have a wide range of applications, including police work, hunting, narcotics detection, water safety, therapy, and more.
They are dependable, extremely loyal dogs who make excellent additions to many households.
If you’re the proud owner of one of these fearless, hardworking dogs, you might be wondering how large your Pit Bull will get and when they’ll stop growing.
Overview: How Fast Do Pitbulls Grow?
Pitbull is a name used in the United States to describe Pit Bull breed canines, but in the United Kingdom, it refers to the American Pit Bull Terrier breed, also known as the Pittie.
The American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and American Bully are among the several breeds of Pitbulls.
The terms Red Nose Pitbull and Blue Nose Pitbull are occasionally used interchangeably.
These dogs are purebred American Pitbull Terriers with a weakened gene.
Because there are so many different breeds, there are significant size differences.
As a result, we’ll be concentrating entirely on the size of American Pit Bull Terriers (Pitties) in the following sections.
What is an American Pit Bull Terrier’s average size?
Pit Bull Terriers are born weighing between 7 and 10 ounces.
When you think that they can grow to be 75 pounds, that’s a tiny amount of weight.
Pitties are classified as medium sized dog.
These canines aren’t very tall for their size, standing between 15 and 20 inches tall at the shoulders.
How much should a Pitbull weigh on average?
If you see a Pitbull that weighs more beyond 100 pounds, it’s more than probable that they’re Mastiff crosses rather than purebred Pit Bulls.
If you enjoy big dogs, you might want to look into the American Bulldog.
Those dogs can reach a weight of 125 pounds!
Female Pitties are about 30-60 pounds and 17-20 inches tall.
Male Pitties are larger, weighing 35-65 pounds and standing 18-21 inches tall.
The Ultimate Pitbull Weight Gain Chart
Pitbull pup can weigh up to 65 pounds when fully grown.
If you’re unsure how much your Pitbull puppy will weigh as an adult, we offer a Pitbull puppy weight chart that will help you estimate their future size.
While the graphs below should give you an indication of your Pittie puppy’s weight increase and growth trajectory, they should only be used as a guideline.
Female Pitbull Puppy Growth Chart (lb & kg)
Do you have a female Pittie?
They usually start off smaller than their male littermates and should develop in the following manner:
Male Pitbull Puppy Growth Chart (lb & kg)
Take a look at the diagram below to get a better understanding of how your male Pittie will grow:
Pit bull Growth Stages and Development
It’s fascinating to watch tumbling Pitbull puppies develop into gangly young dogs before settling into their final shape.
Stage 1: Pitbulls from birth to 3 weeks of age
The neonatal period is defined as the time between birth and the second week of life of a Pitbull puppy.
For warmth, food, and feces, they will be completely reliant on their mother.
During this time, you’ll observe that they spend the most of their time sleeping or eating.
Pit bull puppy should have doubled their birth weight and opened their eyes by the time they were two weeks old.
Surprisingly, a puppy’s hearing does not develop until he or she is three weeks old, which is also when their teeth begin to appear.
Stage 2: Pitbulls aged 3 to 7 weeks
Pitbull puppies grow quickly at this age, both physically and emotionally.
Their littermates and mother will teach them appropriate conduct.
At this age, socialization can begin, but be careful not to startle your puppy because phobias can readily develop at this age.
At this age, gentle handling is appropriate.
Your Pittie should be eating solids, running, vocalizing, and learning to wag his tail by the time he’s seven weeks old.
Stage 3: Pitbull aged 7 to 12 weeks
Puppies of the American Pit Bull Terrier are usually placed in new homes at the age of eight weeks, but if you have the opportunity, keep your puppy with his littermates until he is ten weeks old for greater social development.
You should never take your Pittie home before he or she is eight weeks old.
It may harm their behavioral development since they will lack the necessary experiences to prepare them for maturity.
Pitbulls should weigh between 6 and 10 pounds.
Your puppy is ready for some early socialization and basic obedience at this point.
You can start teaching him to wait for meals or to sit before leaving the house.
Stage 4: Pitbulls aged 12 to 16 weeks
You’ll notice that your Pittie’s silky coat is gradually being replaced with a rougher, heavier adult coat.
They will begin to teeth at this age, and appropriate teething toys should be offered to keep them away from shoes and furniture.
You should introduce them to ordinary sights and sounds, like as the hairdryer, vacuum sweeper, children, and other pets, to begin socialization.
It’s a good idea to enroll your dog in a doggie obedience class once they’ve received all of their immunizations so you can get some professional training advice.
You may also start taking them to the dog park to observe other dogs and acquire basic doggie manners.
You might find that your Pittie is becoming more defiant or challenging you.
Maintain consistency in what you’re allowed to do in order to form positive habits.
Some dogs may show signs of sexual maturity, such as becoming more protective or shy.
Stage 5: Pitbulls aged 16 to 40 weeks
Pitbull will increasingly test your authority as his cognitive thinking matures.
Games like tug of war and others that promote dominance should be avoided.
To build a good relationship with your dog, stay consistent but try to utilize positive reinforcement rather than punishment.
At four months old, your Pitbull terrier should weigh between 25 and 50 pounds, and males should be able to elevate their leg to mark, and females should be able to have their first heat.
Having your dog sterilized is a viable option for avoiding an undesirable litter or behavior.
Stage 6: Pitbulls aged 10 months and 1 year
Don’t be fooled by your Pitbull’s appearance; he may appear to be an adult dog, but he is still intellectually a puppy.
You should spend a lot of time playing with him to keep him stimulated.
If you keep them locked up and prevent them from unleashing this energy, you’ll end up with a destructive dog.
Stage 7: Pitbulls above the age of 1 year
You’ll notice that your American Pit Bull Terrier’s chest is filling out a little more at this point.
Pitbulls’ muscles don’t fully mature until they’re around 2–3 years old, but you can switch from puppy to adult dog food at that age because they’ll have grown to adult size.
You can start more demanding exercises like trekking or jogging over greater distances once they’ve stopped growing taller for adult weight.
Training is something you should do for the rest of your life, and you should take advantage of any opportunity to reinforce what they already know while also teaching them something new and avoid dog aggression.
What you need to know about your Pitbull’s development
Pitbulls are bred to have a muscular frame, thus they will be heavier than other dogs their size.
Also, if you have concerns about your Pittie’s growth, size, or weight, speak with your veterinarian so that your worries can be addressed.
Are there various growth rates for different Pitbull breeds?
Dog breed mature at different speeds, so don’t expect your Pitbull puppy to mature at the same rate as your Chihuahua.
Large breeds, such as Labrador Retriever or Shepherds, will most likely develop at the same rate as your Pitbull.
That means that different Pitbull breeds will develop at a comparable rate, though they will not be identical.
What is the best way to predict how big a Pitbull will grow?
The size of your Pitbull puppy’s paws will give you an idea of how big they should be.
They must appear proportionate.
As a pet parent, you can check our size chart above or use a puppy weight calculator to see if your Pittie is gaining as much as he should.
Is your American Pit Bull Terrier in good physical condition?
It’s simple to tell if your American Pit Bull Terrier is at a healthy weight.
Your Pittie’s ribs should not be noticeable for the first six months.
You should, however, be able to easily feel their ribs.
If your dog’s ribs despite of the puppy coat are visible at this point, they’re probably too slim.
If you can’t feel them, it’s probable that your puppy is overweight and take time to reduce the puppy food intake.
In both cases, you should consult your veterinarian for advice on what should be done.
A dog or an american pitbull terrier that isn’t at a healthy weight could be a sign of a more serious health problem.
Weight loss can be aided by worms and an intestinal block, whereas obesity can be caused by hypothyroidism.
Factors that may influence the size and rate of growth of your Pitbull
Your Pitbull’s growth is heavily influenced by his or her diet.
Giving your dog the greatest nourishment and medical care possible can help him reach his full potential.
Your Pitbull’s overall size and weight will be influenced by genetics.
Your dog’s weight and size are entirely genetically determined.
Examine the average weight of your puppy’s ancestors.
You may expect your Pitbull dog to be the same size all the time.
If you don’t have access to a record of your puppy’s forebears, looking at his or her parents can give you an indication of how big your puppy will grow up to be.
Pitbull’s Diet Plan
To maintain their muscle growth, the best dog food for Pitbulls will contain high protein and fat content.
Check the calcium to phosphorus ratio in his puppy chow while feeding a Pitbull puppy.
To avoid accelerated growth and increased hip dysplasia risks in large breed dogs, the ideal levels are between 1.1 and 1.3:1.
Will neutering or spaying your Pitbull have an impact on their development?
Early spaying or neutering of a puppy can have an impact on the growth of your Pitbull.
The solidification of your puppy’s growth plates will be delayed if the hormones released during sexual maturity are not present.
They are frequently thinner and less obese than dogs who were fixed later in life, in addition to being taller.
Health issues that may affect the development of a Pitbull puppy
The most common cause of a Pitbull puppy’s restricted growth is parasites.
As a result, it’s critical to deworm your dog on a regular basis.
Pitbull dog owners should wait until their dogs are fully grown before beginning vigorous dog training, according to experts.
Your dog’s growth plates may deform as a result of too much stress, which can be a severe condition.
Is it true that exercising your Pitbull has an impact on his growth?
Weight-pulling exercises, combined with a high-protein diet and muscle-building supplements, can help pitbulls gain muscular mass.
If started too early, building muscle can stifle a puppy’s development.
While they are still puppies, you can undertake brief periods of play and exercise throughout the day.
Alternatively, see your veterinarian to determine how much activity is appropriate for your Pittie.
Risks of stunted or rapid development
Pitbull puppies who have been stunted due to malnutrition can catch up rapidly with the right food and have no negative consequences.
Accelerated growth, on the other hand, might result in hip dysplasia, which causes discomfort for the rest of one’s life.
When do Pitbulls reach the point where they stop growing?
Pitbulls finish growing around the age of 12 to 18 months, and they should not get any taller after that. It can take up to three years for them to attain their mature weight.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What age do pitbulls grow the most?
Pitbulls achieve their full height potential by the age of 18 months and mature to their full weight potential between the ages of 2 and 3. Between the ages of 4 and 9 months, Pitbull Terriers develop the fastest, and factors like diet, exercise, and genetics can affect your Pitbull’s overall size.
What age do Pitbull puppies calm down?
Pit bull puppies mature between the ages of 12 and 18 months. They may not be as energetic as pups as they get older.
Do pit bulls suddenly snap?
Pit bulls, like all other breeds of dogs, do not snap out of nowhere. Pit bulls bite the most of any breed. In the United States, there is no system in place to adequately track statistics on dog bites and attacks, and many cases go unreported.
How big is a pitbull at 6 months?
When your pitbull reaches the age of six months, he should weigh between 40 and 60 pounds. This climbs to 50 to 75 pounds at one year of age. Males often weigh a few pounds more than females.
How big should a pitbull be at 4 months?
By the age of a year, American Pitbull Terriers are completely grown. He’ll be about half his adult height at 4 months. He’ll be roughly two-thirds of his adult weight at six months. Your Pitbull puppy will grow the fastest between the ages of 2 and 6.